The Traveler's
Home Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy

This website is owned and operated by Taco and Associates. Here at Taco and Associates, we recognize that many visitors to our site are concerned about the information they provide to us and how we treat that information. So we've developed a Privacy Policy to address those concerns. We may update the Policy from time to time, so please check in occasionally. At our site, we don't collect personally-identifiable information from individuals unless they provide it to us voluntarily and knowingly. This means you do not have to sign up in order to look at our site. However, if you specifically agree to follow-up contacts by us or ask to be put on our mailing list, we may contact you from time to time.

There are some features of our site that require you to sign up to use. And, if you do sign up, we use the information you supply for the purpose of providing the information or services you've requested.

Our site sometimes includes notices of sweepstakes or other promotions we are conducting, and we may permit you to enter electronically in some cases. If that occurs, we will use the information you provide for the purpose of conducting the promotion (e.g., to contact you if you're a winner).


If you are twelve (12) years old or under, before providing your name, address, or e-mail address to us, be sure to ask your parents if it's OK.

Like many companies, we sometimes use "cookie" technology on our web site. These cookies are stored on your computer by your browser. When you log in, this type of cookie tells us whether you've visited us before or are a new visitor. The cookie doesn't obtain any personal information about you or provide us with any way to contact you, and the cookie doesn't extract any information from your computer. We do use the cookie only to identify authorized users of the site.

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