The Traveler's

Air Travel Deals
This shows most of all the major travel discount web sites with explanations on exactly where to go to book a flight and get a deal. It will also give you phone #’s to contact. Why go to a travel agent when you can go into the same computer that they use. Why pay a commission when it is not necessary. Has Caribbean data.

Around The World Deals
If you’re planning a trip around the world and want the best deal there are specific sites that cater to the world traveler. They are listed here. Includes detailed information on language translation sites and how to obtain an International Drivers License. 

Auction Travel
This will tell you what web sites to go to if you want to get in on an auction for a travel vacation.

Become Your Own Travel Agent
Becoming a travel agent is easy and cheap, the benefits are amazing. It will show you how to become one with NO test or courses; how you can be upgraded and receive big discounts on airfares, hotels, car rentals, etc.

Courier/Free Travel
This site will show you how to fly for free or practically nothing. If you love to travel this information will be invaluable.

Consolidates all the major web sites on cruises, showing which ones are the biggest and best: tells you where to go to get the best deals/bargains.

Why go to AAA for detailed maps, when this site can show you how to get free detailed maps and directions from your own computer, plus best restaurant names, and overviews on what to see and do at your destination. Has complete details on Cities, where to stay with Pets, and where to find a Spa.

Europe/Asia Data
Tells you where to go to get the best deals before and while you are there. Data on airfares, trains, car rentals, accommodations.

General Information
This will tell you how to be upgraded, and will give general tips and advice on travel. One area is Airline Miles - if you want to buy or sell miles this will tell you how to do it. Has detailed info. on Timeshares, Currency exchange, how to get a Passport, Traveling alone sites, and info. on Brazil 

Shows you what phone #’s and web sites to access for tremendous discounts on hotels/accommodations. This is broken down by major cities. Major data on New York City, Las Vegas, and Florida. Has data on home-exchanges, hostel, Inns.

Information on Trips and Destinations/Places
Why buy books or magazines when this will show you the exact web sites to go to for all the information you will ever need, FREE. Has detailed data on Car rental sites.

Magazines/Newspapers on Travel
Tells you what to read when planning any type of trip; gives you the major periodicals on travel.

Use of Credit Cards
Tells you why it is so important to use frequent flier credit cards over checkbooks, cash, and credit cards not associated with travel.